Friday, May 19, 2006

Medical Question

Okay, so I woke up on Mother's Day with another case of vertigo--the second since March. Luckily, I had some Antivert on hand, which I began taking. Then I called the doctor's office to schedule an appointment, which was today. When I finally met with the doctor today, I had a burning question--one that seemed quite legitimate. You tell me:

When I have the dizzying experience, I note that the space around me spins in a clockwise motion. My question is that if I lived in Australia, would the room spin in a counter-clockwise motion?

I mean, I was just askin'...and he had no answer. In fact, I think I caught his look that I may have just lost my last marble.

(Please note: TWO posts in one day! I'm burning rubber as I pass KatoC and Vicious!!)


At 10:13 PM, Blogger Mombi said...

It's like when Mrs. Hogan at St. V repremanded me for asking that if old people got constipated, could the poop mold inside of them. I thought it was a valid question.

Who knows where thoughts come from... they just appear.


At 7:07 PM, Blogger dao said...

i dont know about counterclockwise motion in australia... but i do know that when i have vertigo it spins in a counter motion, which is why i had to get checked for seziures. Apparrently, i am wrong in sooo many ways, that i can't even get vertigo correctly.

go figure


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