I love it when I hear The Bean repeat that line from "Dora." And it's so appropriate here because I'm going to steal a bit of fodder from my son-in-law, Kreahs. I don't think he'll mind since this stuff is too good not to share:
"Tales from the daycare"
"Elliott would not let me clean her nose so she pulls out what was in her nose and eats it. Miss Fatimah & I try to get it out or let it run out. However Elliott mischievously go and hide so we can not catch her to clean her nose. Other than that, there's no rash."
So what does Gramma Sparkles think about all of this? All I have to say is -- now, really...look at this FACE...is *this* the face of a BOOGER EATER, I ask??? Oh, and thank goodness there's no RASH...no matter about the other, at least there's THAT...